Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Bombay Hook Birds

 I am linking up my  post with Wild Bird Wednesday and Nature Notes

 So far I have only posted the Snow Geese from Bombay Hook NWR. But, I took a lot of photos during our last visit to Bombay Hook wildlife refuge. Some of my favorites were the Hooded Mergansers and one of my better Great Blue Heron shots.

Hooded Merganser couple

I love the colors and the reflections in the shot above and this Hooded Merganser couple look so cute together. And I love the "do" on the female in the front.

More of the Hooded Mergansers.

Here is one of the male Hooded Mergansers by himself. The female is not too far off.

I tried to catch all of four of these Hooded Mergansers together but they went their separate ways.


This is one of my favorite photos of the day, a Great Blue Heron hunkered down from the cold. I like the colors and the dazed looked in the heron's eyes.

To see more beautiful and wonderful bird photos please visit:
 Stewart's Wild Bird Wednesday and Michelle's  Nature Notes.
Thanks to Stewart for hosting Wild Bird Wednesday and thanks to Michelle for hosting Nature Notes.
I wish everyone a happy week ahead and Happy Birding!


  1. i like your description of the heron. :)

    and those mergansers always make me smile. nice reflections and winter browns!

  2. The blue markings on the hooded morganzer is so striking. I've never seen one in person. Congrats on all these wonderful shots.

  3. Beautiful shots, Eileen. I love seeing the Mergansers --but the Herson shot is terrific.

  4. Wonderful shots. Thanks for helping me with the warbler I.D.

  5. Love the heron shot! One of my favorite birds to photograph. Haven't had the pleasure of seeing a Hooded Merganser yet, but have lots of Common ones here.

    ~ Sherrie (Bird Lady)

  6. I'll bet those birds are happy among all those reeds! Great captures.

  7. The Hooded Mergansers look to be very handsome birds. Great photos.

  8. I'm always chasing ducks! Great shots. The heron is awesome!

  9. Beautiful photos of birds! You must have a fantastic camera. My little camera cannot capture birds. Sometimes I can get a bee on a flower. That's it.

  10. Eileen, You are the BEST bird photographer ever! You constantly amaze me.

  11. these are wonderful shots. I agree that the colors with the Heron are wonderful, but I find myself drawn to the golds around the Hooded Mergansers as well. That one of the male on his own, seen through the reeds, is stunning.

  12. I love the hunkered down heron and the little mergansers are just so cute

  13. Really neat photos Eileen, those Mergansers are so interesting.

  14. Your favorite photo of the heron is wonderful too.

  15. The Hoodies are gorgeous! We have them here during the winter, but they're difficult to photograph. Love your heron shot! That's one of my favorite subjects!

  16. Can't beat that Heron . . . nice shot!

  17. I love the couple together!
    And that poor heron looks out of it, waiting for summer...lol

  18. Oh i love these photos most especially because of the reflection of the reeds providing beautiful background for the birds.

  19. Great image series showing :) Hanne Bente

  20. I think, as you did, is my favourite on this blog, the Heron is magnificent.

  21. Those Hoodies are smart looking birds Eileen. Looks like they are all paired up and ready to go too. A cracking shot of the heron too.

  22. I can see why you like the Great Blue shot - the texture on the feathers is great.

    Cheers and thanks for linking to WBW

    Stewart M - Melbourne

  23. Eileen....I have not a clue what happened but this morning my downy was not to be found....UGH! I think it is fixed now. The one week I get what I think are some good shots of my fine feathered friend and he hides away. Your shots from the NWR are wonderful. Oh, if only we had one close by instead of all the way across the state. genie

  24. I love those Hooded Merganser images, Eileen! Would love to see one - especially a male!

  25. hi eileen, what a delight!
    your posts always leave me smiling.
    loved seeing those cute ducks.

    big hugs~

  26. WoW...eileen, what a great set of pictures!!

    i really love the earth tones, browns and reflections in these, there is so much to look at!!

    i don't think i have ever seen the hooded's they are beautiful but your heron image is magnificant. great feather detail and clarity in his eye. it's a "i'm proud" for sure shot!!

  27. Miło podglądać śliczne kaczki w ich naturalnym środowisku. Czapla ślicznie wygląda na tle niebieskiej wody. Pozdrawiam.
    Nice to watch the beautiful ducks in their natural habitat. Heron looks lovely against the blue water. Yours.

  28. Great Hoodie shots!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  29. Hallo Eileen!Amazing photos!I love the couple together! And the Heron bird looks great!!Have a lovely day!

  30. Nice shots, Eileen! I don't know if I had seen those Mergansers here. The heron is a magnificent photo!
    Have a nice week! /Pia

  31. Lovely, watery shots Eileen and I just love that photo of the Heron, one of my favourite birds.,

    I loved seeing your Goldie Girl on the previous post and also the colourful Cardinals. On an earlier post I was thinking that your photos of pretty little birds in a Pine tree looked just like Christmas decorations...only to scroll down and find that you thought exactly the same!! Great minds think alike as they say :-)

  32. HI Eileen...Nice photos of the Hoodies one of my favorites too..nice one of the Great Blue too : )
    PS hope this comment works!!

  33. I bet that heron is feeling pretty good today with the mild temps! Love the reflections.

  34. I love the hoodies but have only seen them stop over in migration. Poor heron, I hope it found something to eat....Michelle

  35. Those mergansers look like interesting birds. Looks like they could rob a bank and hide it somewhere back in that hood!

  36. the Hooded Merganser is a true beauty. And it is a shame we don´t have it. :) Great shots.

  37. Bombay Hook Birds! Thank you! I was wondering what they were called.

    LOVE the blue heron photo! Stunner!

  38. Waahooo,which attractive series ;-)
    Céline & Philippe

  39. Wonderful shots, Eileen! The heron looks a a bit frustrated with the cold. :(

  40. Awesome photos! I love the reflection in the water, and that last photo is almost funny with the bird's dazed expression.

    On the way to work yesterday, I saw TONS of snow geese in an open field and thought of you! I saw the black tips on their wings and remembered your post and knew they were snow geese :)

  41. Wonderful post! Love the Mergansers and, well, I must like the Heron since I posted about one also!


  42. That is a fabulous shot of the Heron, I can see the individual feathers. Hooded Mergansers are my favorite ducks. You got some great shots of them.

  43. Breathtaking photos. You are so good at this.

  44. Lovely shots - the poor heron does look a bit cold.

  45. Nicely captured:) I find it so interesting how different the drakes and hens are from each other! They look so different and not like the same bird at all!

  46. Really love the mergansers -- I've never gotten a picture of them.... and always think it's funny how the GB looks like an entirely different bird when it's hunkered down. Thanks for the trip to my favorite virtual birding spot.

  47. I love the various mergansers. I think they are my favorite ducks.


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Have a happy day, Eileen

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